Changing times!

Hey and welcome back to the farm. We haven't had a whole lot going on around here lately since Frank has been pulling opening shifts at work for the past week and a half. I did manage to score 4 young chickens for our flock at an animal swap last weekend. We fixed up the coop and got them all situated in there and then got our four remaining chickens back into the coop. I thought finally I would have them off my back stoop and then I go out later in the day and the coop door is wide open! Come to find out Carl and Judith (two of our little dwarf goats) saw me throwing food in there and took it upon themselves to push the door open and go in for a snack. I never thought I would need a latch for the chicken door, the chickens weren't going to open it. Well apparently I do now. So I got that all fixed up for now and it took me FOREVER to get those chickens back in. Esp. since I was on my own with Frank being at work. I asked the girls to help but they were almost more of a hinderance, it was so cute seeing them trying though. They like to look at the chickens but not get close to them unless someone is holding them still.

On another note the next couple weeks are going to be so busy with getting the girls ready to start Preschool on Sept 4th. Madelyn got accepted into Head Start for Hanover County so i'll be dropping her off at her bus pick up by 6:55 am everyday (talk about a life style change there) going back home and getting Baylor ready for her ride to her school. She's only going to be going for two half days right now and hopefully we can expand that a little more into the school year to three half days or three full days, we'll just have to wait and see. And finally, I got the job! So a lot of changes going on here in the next couple weeks. I'm so sad to be leaving my Trackside family but it's time to be a grown up. I'll be working days now and getting benefits so i'm super stoked! Still some rotating weekends but that just gives me days off during the week to get appointments taken care of! Between me and Frank we'll have to figure out a new schedule for feeding the animals but it will all work out. So wish me luck and i'll keep you posted on how things go! 

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