Beefy has arrived!

Welcome back Ya'll! We've had a busy couple of weeks around here. Time just flies by! Firstly it was finally time to cut back our potato plants. Then you have to let them sit for 5-10 days. We didn't quite get as many as were expecting but we still did get a big storage bin full of them so i'll take it! I think it was because of the dirt we used. We had a whole truck load delivered when we started building the garden and it wasn't exactly the kind I wanted. It was a mix of dirt and that clay dirt. So to fix the problem we spent all day yesterday tilling the garden beds; adding good dirt, compost, and pig manure. This hopefully will yield more potatoes since they will be able to grow in better soil. The next round is planted and now we can just wait and see. Look for a canning post soon!

Secondly we have two new arrivals to the farm! Welcome our new Nigerian Dwarf goat Rick and surprisingly we now have a Jersey Calf! We were planning on getting another male goat to bred with our two female dwarf goats Maggie and Judith but the cow was somewhat an impulse buy. We have been toying with the idea of a cow for a while but I've been on the fence about it. They get so big and  I just wasn't sure. Plus they are expensive, normally a few hundred if not more. However I was browsing craigslist and found a post for a baby Jersey Cow for just $100! Apparently he was so cheap because he still has to be bottle fed twice a day. So now that's added on to my daily to do list. He's so cute though! He's not getting a name, (Frank is calling him Beefy) I thought about calling him Hershal but have decided against it. Ya'll can probably understand why. We'll have him for maybe year or less and then should get about 600 lbs of meat out of it. In the end i'll let you know if this was all worth it or not. Stay tuned. In the mean time here are some super cute pictures of him!