Happy 4th of July!

Hey ya'll! I hope everyone had a blast this past fourth of July! It's one of my favorite holidays and we had so much fun at my dads river house. This year my brother, SIL, and their two fur babies came down and stayed the two days with us also. It was so nice to get out there and just relax and have fun. We had all different floats to play with, went on a couple boat rides, and Madelyn tried tubing for the first time and loved it! Obviously not by herself; she went with my brother, Safety first! Of course the one down side to having animals is you have to get back home to take care of them so we packed up after lunch Thusday and headed home. Everyone survived the night without us, Charlie wasn't to happy about having to stay outside overnight with the big dogs. We wrapped up the day fixing our electric fence for the little goats and FINALLY cutting back our potatoes plant. So in 5-10 days we can start digging them up! I'm so excited to see what we got this time and then its on to planting the next set. Anyway my work week is just starting tonight (I work weekends and am off Tuesday, Wednesdays, and Thursdays) so i'll be checking back in Tuesday! See ya'll then!

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