Welcome Daryl!

Welcome back ya'll! I'm so excited to share that we have a new addition to the farm! His name is Daryl (keeping with my Walking Dead theme) and he is a hair sheep. They are good for breeding and also are meat sheep. They don't have wool so we don't have to worry about shearing them either. He's still a baby and is so cute! He's about the size of a young Lab to give you a comparison. We should be getting a couple ewes (females) soon to start breeding with as soon as they get old enough. Get ready for super cute lamb pictures in the future!

We've also been tryin to figure out why Carl isn't growing. We've ruled out parasites and anything like that so I think he's just the runt (he was a triplet). Our other two little girls Judith and Maggie didn't seem to be growing either so after a lot of research we think we figured it out. Judith and Maggie are dwarf Nigerian goats so they are going to stay small and hence we probably won't be able to bred them with Billy. Billy and Daisy are Alpline goats, which is what Carl should be as well since we know exactly who he came from. Now we need to decide where to go from here, stay tuned!

And Last but not least we think Peppa is pregnant so we should have little piglets here in an few months! Life on the farm, never a dull moment!

1 comment

  1. Oh my gosh he’s presh!!! (And of course I love the name)
