Hey Ya'll! It's been a scorcher this week! I was just out feeding and filling all the water for the animals earlier and thinking about how hot its been and how I haven't even posted about them yet. We currently have 10 chickens, 2 guineas, 1 duck, 2 cats (well 3 but the kitten is going to his new home soon), 3 dogs, 3 pigs, and 5 goats! Whew...It started with our oldest Charlie who is a Brussels Griffon and grew from there. Then came Haven, a black lab, and Zoey, we think either a lab/pit mix or lab/boxer mix.
Charlie with Madelyn |
Our Goats are Billy, Daisy, Carl, Judith, and Maggie. If your a Walking Dead fan you'll notice I've started naming our goats from characters on the show. Billy and Daisy are our adults right now that we breed and sell the babies. We just bought Judith and Maggie to increase our herd so when they are bigger we can bred them as well and will have three breeding females. We had an interesting experience when Carl was born this year. He wasn't able to nurse so I ended up bottle feeding him. He lived in our laundry room and is now more like a dog than a goat. He's my baby! Follows us around and is very loving and social. We also learned how to milk a goat so look for future post about making goat cheese and soap!
Carl (he's grown some now of course)
Daisy with two babies we sold.
Our pigs are name Miss Piggy, Peppa, and George. If you have small children you'll know where the last two names came from. We just Miss Piggy has become a pet so she most likely won't go into the freezer but hopefully the offspring of our two younger pigs will keep us supplied with plenty of pork so we can cut costs at the store. Similar situation we with the chickens, eat and sell the eggs. Which, if you haven't tried farm fresh eggs you are missing out! The guineas are actually really good watch dogs and keep the bugs down. They are so loud when something new comes near its almost super annoying. Between them and the dogs no one can sneak up in this yard! Anyway on with the rest of the day! Thinking about taking the kids to the pool since its so hot out. I hate being cooped up inside. If anyone has any ideas about how to keep two almost 4 year olds entertained in this heat send them my way! Have a great day!